In 2024, a horror film titled Haunt Season will be directed by Jake Jarvi and has a cast including Brent Bentley, Craig Benzine, Ana Dragovich, and Sarah Elizabeth The main plot follows the frustrating experiences of a masked attacker who picks on the actors of a suburban Halloween themed haunt and makes their injuries more than just pretend. Ladies and gentlemen, sit back and brace yourselves for what has just come to be known as tough terror.
Plot Summary
This horrifying take is somewhat justified being based in a suburb somewhere around Halloween and follows a group of actors at a regional haunted house. As the terror erupts, a quiet place is no more and people begin getting injured or killed on stage – staged pirouetting to glamourize and market injuries! As it reaches a peak, the actors realize who they thought they were in a play was all false pretenses and have to fight for their lives.
From the trailer we bear witness to the films theme, are performers always weak? Stand by the magic of illusion vs reality which seriously has a strong underlying point about psychology of horror. Individuals are portrayed as being terrified when their greatest of fears are faced. The movie raises key concerns about the true extent of the danger posed by the entertainment of such nature as fear mongering entertainment.
Performances The film is well-cast and beautifully acted. Brent Bentley brings a very convincing portrayal of Jace where he evolves from a self centered performer to a cowardly receiver of his surroundings. While Craig Benzine displays Seth under a humorous lens which makes him simultaneously able to feel as a bewildered outcast in the midst of all the insanity. Also making the ensemble more interesting are Ana Dragovich and Sarah Elizabeth who play the roles of Taylor and Matilda respectively shifting the dynamics of the drama in their own ways. Cinematography and Atmosphere The filmmakers wisely use the idea of the haunted house in the story for the needed grade of cramp and abnormality. The techniques of the camera work are directed towards keeping lights low and framing distance relatively close for that touch of tension and doubt. The combination of the realistic misconceptions and make-up enhances the motive of real fear and places horror aspects on a sensible level.
Reception The critical reception of Haunt Season has not been all that positive. Even the film’s Emma Kiely, writing for Collider, gave it a rating of 5 and had this to say about the genre, “an unscary but somehow haunting haunted house horror film.” CBR’s Katie Doll believed the movie was rated 6 and said “it works best as a drama movie not a slasher.” Andrea Thompson from Chicago Reader said, “if the storm and the madness do not seem too well fitted, it remains a surprisingly emotional tribute to the [Halloween] season and the fanatics who cherish it.” Overall Impressions Haunt Season certainly is different as it manages to incorporate psychological drama into slasher themes. The film might not be the most terrifying one out there, but its subject matter of fear and what is real is intriguing. The film is a tribute to lovers of Halloween and haunted houses culture therefore it does stand out from the rest of the horror films. Suggested Audience They are real treats for those who like horror films which explore the psyche of the characters as well as the story. Those that love haunted houses and Halloween culture would enjoy Haunt Season even more. It is also appropriate for those horror film fans that like thrillers which incorporate a suspenseful element rather than picture after picture of jump shocks.
For those who are looking forward to watching Haunt Season, the film can currently be streamed on Amazon Prime Video.
If you would like to have some insight into the movie, kindly check out the official trailer below: