“Shell of Fear” is an Italian thriller new flick coming from the directorial ship of Luca Solina and is expected to release in the April of 2024. The movie explains about Samuel, an ex-terrorist who eclipses himself to his home due to fear of the outdoors. A reclusive life is disturbed when some forces of the old days come back and begin working on Samuel which requires him to make some tough calls in his life.

Cast & Crew

  • Director & Writer: Luca Solina
  • Producer: Luca Solina
  • Music: Francesco Maria Ferrario
  • Cast:
    • Leonardo Calderone as Samuel
    • Luca di Corrado as Tony
    • Sara Ruzza as Sonia

Technical Details

  • Runtime: 1 hour 33 minutes
  • Language: Italian
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9
  • Filming Location: Rho, Italy


For those who would like to rent or buy “Shell of Fear”, it is available on Apple TV and Amazon Prime Video. The cost of renting starts from 4.99 dollars while its purchase is listed at 12.99 dollars.

Personal Insights

The movie’s plot which presents agoraphobia along with the trauma of the past is quite interesting. The use of black and white photography adds to the suspense and captivates the audience to Samuel’s character who deals with a lot of loneliness.

Cultural Significance

Investing past trauma and issues socially, ‘Shell of Fear’ joins the body of Italian cinema with an attention to solitude. The film’s focus on a former terrorist struggling with his own insecurities allows for new insights into the issue of redemption and the understanding of humanity.

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